Soft toys

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A side view of the toy with its tail on the left. The body is dark blue and the lower part of the mouth and belly light blue.
The toy sits on its back legs. Its body and head are light grey, its legs, mouth and inner ears are light brown and its cheeks are white.
The soft toy stands on its two legs facing left. The head, body, legs and tail are green with a scale pattern. The belly and claws are pale green. The mouth is red inside with rows of white triangular teeth.
A front on view of the sloth with its green packaging label. The body is grey, with white hands, feet and face. Its eye patches are brown, its nose and eyes are black.
The sloth toy is shown hanging full length with its hands Velcroed together and its legs dangling down. The sloth’s body and nose are brown, with a white face, hands and feet and its eye patches are black.
A side view of the toy, showing its grey fins, tail and head. The eye is amber and the mouth and teeth are white.
A diagonal view of the white seal toy, with its packaging label. The eyes and nose are black.
A side view of the light grey, furry toy, with the ears folded behind the head. The front paws, chest, mouth and eye area are white.
The light brown toy faces forward. The long ears are either side of its face, which has a white mouth. The front legs are below the face.
The emperor penguin chick soft toy stands on its black feet. It has a grey furry body and flippers. The head, eyes and beak are black, but the sides of the face are white. The packaging label is the side.
The larger chimpanzee is shown sitting down with the baby holding onto its neck. They’re covered in black fur with brown hands, feet and face.
The orangutan toy is shown hanging full length with its hands Velcroed together and its legs dangling down.
The squirrel monkey toy is shown sitting down with its legs and arms facing forward. Its body is black, white and grey, but its limbs are yellow with brown paws.
The light-brown lemur shown sitting down with it black and white ringed tail laid out behind it. It has black ears, a white face, and black eye and nose patches.
The hedgehog faces the camera, with the green packaging label to the right of its face. Its face is light brown with a dark nose and eyes, and there’s pale yellow mane-like fur at the edges of its face before the dark brown body starts.
The fennec fox faces the camera, sitting on its back legs. Its paws, chest and lower half of its face are white, the inside of its ears is light pink, and the rest of its body is light brown. The eyes and nose are dark brown.
The grey elephant stands on all four legs, facing to the right, with its trunk curving upwards.
A side view of the Ankylosaurus Soft View, showing its dark brown back, light brown body and amber-ringed eye. The triangles along its spine and sides represent the dinosaur's bony plates.

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