calcPageSize())" class=" absolute inset-0 object-contain object-center w-full m-auto max-h-screen-75" :class="{ 'cursor-pointer': !fullscreen }" width="700" height="700" :loading="active!==index ? 'lazy' : 'eager'" :src="fullscreen ? image.full : image.img" x-show.transition.opacity.duration.500ms="active===index">
calcPageSize())" class="absolute inset-0 object-contain object-center w-full m-auto max-h-screen-75 cursor-pointer" :class="{ 'cursor-pointer': !fullscreen }" width="700" height="700" :loading="active!==index ? 'lazy' : 'eager'" :src="fullscreen ? image.full : image.img" x-show.transition.opacity.duration.500ms="active===index" alt="The front of the dark green Top Trumps packaging, with the words 'Top Trumps: whatever you're into, so are we' above a picture of a T. rex." title="The front of the dark green Top Trumps packaging, with the words 'Top Trumps: whatever you're into, so are we' above a picture of a T. rex." loading="eager" src="">
calcPageSize())" class="absolute inset-0 object-contain object-center w-full m-auto max-h-screen-75 cursor-pointer" :class="{ 'cursor-pointer': !fullscreen }" width="700" height="700" :loading="active!==index ? 'lazy' : 'eager'" :src="fullscreen ? image.full : image.img" x-show.transition.opacity.duration.500ms="active===index" alt="Two of the cards shown close up with images and fact files. They are for Archaeopteryx and Baryonyx. " title="Two of the cards shown close up with images and fact files. They are for Archaeopteryx and Baryonyx. " loading="lazy" src="" style="display: none;">
calcPageSize())" class="absolute inset-0 object-contain object-center w-full m-auto max-h-screen-75 cursor-pointer" :class="{ 'cursor-pointer': !fullscreen }" width="700" height="700" :loading="active!==index ? 'lazy' : 'eager'" :src="fullscreen ? image.full : image.img" x-show.transition.opacity.duration.500ms="active===index" alt="Three of the cards shown next to the Top Trumps packaging. The cards show the fact files of Ankylosaurus, Giganotosaurus and Dimorphodon." title="Three of the cards shown next to the Top Trumps packaging. The cards show the fact files of Ankylosaurus, Giganotosaurus and Dimorphodon." loading="lazy" src="" style="display: none;">
Museum Dinosaurs Top Trumps
suitable for ages 3+
sealable case keeps the cards together
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Museum Dinosaurs Top Trumps
Approved by our palaeontologist experts, this smart, inventive, strategic card game aims to find the true king of dinosaur facts. The more you play, the more you learn. It’s a firm family favourite, where players compare rankings in strength, intelligence and skill to trump each other and collect the most cards.