Can Jellyfish Live Forever?

Can Jellyfish Live Forever?
- by the Natural History MuseumÂ
- ISBN 9780565095437Â
- recommended reading age: 7-11 yearsÂ
- paperbackÂ
- 96 pages, with 100+ colour imagesÂ
- 228mm x 190mmÂ
- made from materials certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship CouncilÂ
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Description / Can Jellyfish Live Forever?
Why do rabbits eat their own poo? How clever is an octopus? Why does rain smell? Why are flamingos pink? If someone you know is curious about the natural world, then this is the gift for them.
Packed with colourful photos and cool illustrations, this book's brilliant question and answer format is based on the numerous quirky, intriguing and enlightening queries posed to our Museum experts over the years - it's very often the case that fact is stranger than fiction!
This fun and entertaining paperback is an inspiring and educational way to fascinate everyone in the family and share the wonder of the world around us.